Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Command Types

SQA Robot test procedure commands are organized into these types,based on the tasks they perform in the script:

Control Flow command: Define the beginning and end of SQA Robot script, and the beginning and end of commands that save and restore windows. Control flow tasks include initialization and termination for test procedure playback. Used only in GUI procedures.

Object Scripting commands:Access an application's objects and object properties from within a test procedure script.Object Scripting tasks include retrieving and setting an object's properties.Used only in GUI procedures.

Test Case commands:Compare objects captured while playing back successive builds of the application-under-test against the established baseline data.If the objects are the same,the test case passes (Result equals 1).If the objectives are different,the test case fails (Result equals 0). Used only in GUI procedures.

User Action command:Correspond to user actions on specific objects while recording. Actions include operations like choosing a menu command,scrolling a list box,clicking a button,or typing text into an edit box.Used only in GUI Procedures.

Utility commands:Affect the flow of test procedure playback by setting wait times,calling other test procedures,starting applications,starting and stopping timers,and playing back low-level recordings. They also control output to the test log,retrieve results from running test procedures,and test characters used in statement.Used only in GUI procedures.

If you have Virtual User Recording installed.You can use these SQA Basic commands:

Datapool commands: Retrieve data from a datapool created with SQA Datapool Manager.

HTTP/HTTPS commands: Issue HTTP or HTTPS request to a Web server,depending on whether the server is SSL-protected.

Virtual User Commands:Performs operations in virtual user procedure.For example,virtual user command perform synchronization and timer operations for virtual users,and handle communications between the Master and Agent test stations.Expect for control flow commands,which must appear at the beginning and end of every script,the order of recorded commands depends on your recording options and user actions.

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