Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Test Procedure

A Test Procedure is an SQA Basic or Visual Basic script that you record with SQA Robot. When you record a test Procedure, SQA Robot automatically captures user activities and stores them as a series of SQA Basics commands. Test Procedure script files have the same name as the test procedure ID, but with a .REC file extension. Test procedure files are stored in the \Repository\Project\Procs subdirectory.

If SQA basic is your scripting language, the test procedure script is displayed in a child window called the test procedure window. SQA Robot does not display the test procedure window if Visual Basic is your scripting language.

When you play back the test procedure, SQA Robot executes the activities you recorded. There are two types of test Procedures.

1. GUI Procedures: These contain the user's recorded GUI actions, such as keystrokes and mouse clicks. In regression tests GUI procedures also contain one or more GUI test cases.

2. Virtual user Procedures: These contain the user's recorded HTTP requests to a Web Server.

Note: You can only record virtual user procedure if you have Virtual User Recording installed.

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