To manually display the Insert toolbar so it is visible while recording, do one of the following:
1. Check SQA Robot insert in the toolbar popup menu.
2. Choose Window toolbar and check SQA Robot Insert in the toolbars dialog box.
To add test case buttons to record toolbar:
1. Display both record and insert toolbar.
2. Use the right mouse button to drag a test case button from the insert toolbar and drop it within the record toolbar.Alternatively,you may:
3.Display the Record toolbar.
4.Choose Add Button in the toolbar popup menu.
5. Use either mouse button to drag a test case button from the Add Toolbar Button dialog box and drop it whithin the Record toolbar..
Note:If you make any unwanted changes to the record or insert toolbar, you can choose Reset Toolbar in the toolbar popup menu to reset the toolbar to its default configuration. Recording actions in a Test Procedure while recording, you can insert any of the following into a test procedure.
1. Test Cases - Capture specific conditions,states,or values during a test procedure recording and store the data as the expected baseline for the application under test.During playback,test cases recapture the data from the current build of the application under test,and compare the captured data to the baseline data.
2. Wait States - Provide a way to synchronize test procedure playback with application under test. During playback, your application may require additional time to complete certain tasks. Setting wait states lets you define specific conditions for which the test procedure waits before continuing with subsequent test sections.
3. Timers - Let you insert start and stop timer commands to record the duration of events in a test procedure,such as database or network access. After playback, the elapsed time is displayed in the SQA Test Log Viewer.
4. Synchronization Points - Let you coordinate virtual users at test runtime. To use this feature, you must have Virtual User Recording installed.
The remaining Insert menu commands let you call existing test procedures from the script being recorded, insert comments into the test procedure script or test log,or invoke an application while recording without having to go through the desktop.