Friday, June 10, 2011

Web Testing - Important Interview Questions

Web testing is very important for any internet application to run successfully. Most of the web applications fail over the time because any web application accumulates data and tends to get more number of visitors as time passes. So in order to prevent any unexpected embarrassing situations, a web application needs to be tested thoroughly for load balance testing, endurance testing and stress testing.
Below are few of many important web testing interview questions and answers:
1) What are the important things to consider while testing a website or web application?
Answer: First of all we need to test hardware settings, server information such as hard disk space, internet bandwidth, ram size, cache size, what browser we are using to test and is the software application is compatible to that? And software hardware versions, latest patches installed or not? Video codex resolution etc..
2) What are the most important compatibility issues that may occur while testing a website?
Answer: Browser settings, font issues, browser versions, because some application may support older version or only newer versions so the programmer should check in his unit testing. This is not a tester issue, but a tester should point it out in the meetings or file a defect in defect tracking tool.
3) What are the common browsers we should take care while testing?
Answer: Mozilla Firefox, I.E, Opera etc..
4) Difference between static and dynamic web sites?
Answer: Static web sites are only informative, they are not interactive to the user of the website, i.e we cannot enter any form field values, no log in form, nothing. Only material or information to study..
Where as a dynamic web site is like You need to enter user name, password to log in. once u enter the website takes the values and check in the database if the credentials are right or wrong so all this is dynamic that's why it is dynamic website.
5) Tell me something about performance testing for websites?
Answer: This is most important aspect in web testing because if a website gets more no of visitors at the same time, the site may become slow, so we need to test if the site can handle more visitors? Is the hardware configuration such as ram and physical hard drive size supports more visitors?  How does it handle in the peak hours for banking websites?
If you have any questions in Web Testing Interview Questions, please feel free to ask in the home page chat box.
Author David Vilson is a 10 years experienced software professional in the fields of business analysis and Software Testing.

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